Top 6 Digital Marketing Facts You Don’t Know

by Tad Friesen IV
Digital Marketing Trends 2018 - Bridge Town Herald

Digital marketing has indeed become the ‘it’ thing of the present times. If you have anything to with SEO for businesses or are involved with the freelance digital marketing services – you need to know some basic digital marketing stats and facts. When you are involved in the freelance digital marketing services, you are a professional who should have all the rightful information about this marketing trend. In this article below, explore some unique and unknown top digital marketing facts. We can bet you would not know half of them but you should definitely be familiar.

Fact # 1 –Digital Marketing Budget Upsurge By 2022

Digital marketing is becoming constantly popular as the time passes by. Hence, the budget that is invested to facilitate this marketing trend will also continue to expand. On an average, the digital marketing budget is expected to increase by a margin of up to 15 to 20 percent by 2022.

Fact # 2 – Digital Marketing Expenses Double TV Marketing Expenses

The cost of online digital marketing is very sky high. 2017 was the first year in the history of times that the total expenses of digital marketing surpassed the expenses of television expenses. On an average, the cost of digital marketing expenses in 2017 was 72 billion dollars. In 2018, it is expected to even increase by a margin of 10 to 18 percent.

Fact # 3 – Digital Marketing Via Mobile Phone Devices VS Computer System

Digital marketing has been more popular post-2012 when an increased number of users were more concentrated on using web services on their mobile phone devices rather than computer systems. There are certain parts of the world where digital marketing via mobile phones is more popular including the United States, Japan, China, and Russia.

Fact # 4 – Shifted Interest Preferences of Digital Marketing Users

The upsurge in popularity of digital marketing has greatly been because of the shifted interest benefits of the users. A wide number of users, for instance, prefer watching videos about a product or service rather than reading in-text information for its advertisement purpose. Hence, it is pretty clear that the customer preferences are more towards audio and video than text.

Fact # 5 – Cost of Programmatic Promotions to Double By 50%

According to a recent study published in a leading American tech journal, the cost of programmatic video promotions is likely to expand by a dramatic 50 percent by next year. In 2018, it is expected to increase by 25 percent and by 2019-2020 it will be risen by a major 50 percent.

Fact # 6 – Significant Spends on Digital Marketing Ad Film Promotions

Digital ad marketing replaced programmatic marketing in the United States in 2016. The total spending on digital marketing AD film promotions is growing drastically. The programming technology is expanding in sync with inventory and targeting. The growth in the cost of ad film digitalized promotion begin to increase with the constantly expanding popularity of digital promotions.

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