As time passes, there has been an increasing importance towards oral hygiene with numerous influential personalities and celebrities resorting to, and ultimately encouraging teeth whitening for a better appearance. According to a survey, in 2015, Americans alone spent over 11 billion dollars on teeth whitening including 1.4 billion dollars on at-home whitening products. While there are expensive methods that pertain to visits to the dentist, but there are a few much affordable options to achieve brighter and whiter smile in no time! We have listed out a few natural ways that will teach you how to make teeth white naturally. If you want a more detailed take on this, get to know more about how to make white teeth naturally.
Oil Pulling
A peculiar old natural remedy from the Indian folk tradition is called oil pulling. In this method, your swish oil inside your mouth to eliminate any forms of plaque-causing bacteria. For this remedy, any type of oil will work such as coconut oil and sunflower oil. Coconut oil is a much better choice as it has inflammatory properties causing the bacteria to perish. It also tastes pleasant and is high in Lauric Acid content. You need not worry, Coconut oil is completely friendly for your teeth; it does not adversely affect your teeth enamel. A study featured in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Hygiene found, “Edible oil-pulling therapy is natural, safe and has no side effects. Hence, it can be considered as a preventive therapy at home to maintain oral hygiene.”
Baking Soda
One of the most popular methods of teeth whitening is brushing your teeth with baking soda. Do this twice a day and within a few washes, you’ll find your teeth a shade or two lighter! Since baking soda is a mild abrasive which is alkaline in nature; thus, preventing bacteria from growing further. A study found out what kinds of toothpaste with high baking soda content removed yellow stains much more effectively than those with lesser or no baking soda content at all.
Hydrogen Peroxide
You might think Hydrogen Peroxide is toxic to health but it is true when getting in contact with a concentrated solution. However, a dilute solution of Hydrogen Peroxide will just do the trick! Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant and kinds of toothpaste with Hydrogen Peroxide content will give you whiter tooth with just a few applications. Hydrogen Peroxide mouthwash can also be used.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant and cleaning product. It’s the main constituent, acetic acid easily eliminates bacteria. All you need to do is mouth your wash with apple cider vinegar with its dilute solution and complete your wash at the end with plain water.
Strawberry with Baking Soda
A paste containing both strawberry and baking soda can be applied directly to your teeth. Strawberry is known to contain Malic acid that helps exfoliate your teeth while baking soda is able to reduce the stains. However, some also say that this natural remedy is not as effective as others as the mixture doesn’t penetrate deep into the teeth making your teeth keep the yellowness.